Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Hills Has Ended...It Was Fake Life All Along

While Mike jumps up and down in joy, I mourn the loss of one of the funniest shows in the history of television. Last night MTV aired the finale of the show about snooty L.A. area 20 somethings that everybody loved to hate...and love.

The lingering question with The Hills was this real or fake? The acting is so unbelievably bad that it's good, so could this possibly be real life? Well, the final 10 seconds of last night's finale revealed to us that the whole thing was fake. Phony. Sham. Scripted. No more blind accusations: the lives of everybody on the MTV show were already written down (at least, what you saw on TV). As Brody Jenner waved goodbye to Kristin, the camera crew pulled down a fake backdrop of the Hollywood Hills and panned to a production studio lot somewhere in La La Land. Brilliant!

What a way to go out for The Hills! The joke really is on us now. Here's an excerpt from an NY Daily News piece:

Fans immediately took to Twitter to express their shock, outrage and awe. "The Hills finale made me feel like what it was like when I found out Santa Clause was not real," wrote SillySarahHilly.
"'The Hills' series finale finally revealed what we've known all along: ITS FAKE. Kudos producers for finally owning up to it," wrote Ericksonvision.
I interpreted that finale scene as a tip of the hat - or a slap to the face - from producers finally confirming to fans what we've suspected all along. That yes, "The Hills" had become much more fiction than fact. More Hollywood than Laguna. On the "After Show," Brody even said it was up to the fans to decide what had been real and what hadn't.

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