It's a distinct possibility in the near future of our backwards society. In fact, the Palms Casino in Las Vegas is already planning a super-exclusive club around it. The key to get into the V.I.P. restaurant: how many twitter followers you have:
Palms' chief marketing officer, Jason Gastwirth, is currently building out "The Klout Klub," which "will allow high-ranking influencers to experience Palms' impressive set of amenities in hopes that these influencers will want to communicate their positive experience to their followers." The Palms is already pulling in data from Klout and referring to it as part of their reservations process...Founded by Joe Fernandez and Binh Tran, in 2008, Klout initially served as one of the many ego-boosting sites designed to tell Twitter users how popular they are, but the service promptly evolved. In it's current form, Klout is a sophisticated ranking system that analyzes one's activity on social networks and assigns a score to that individual based on his/her ability to influence others...
If this is the future, then here at Token Sports we really need to get our act together. 23 followers isn't gonna cut it. Follow us so we can at least get into McDonalds.